Coming back

Reminiscent of a few years back, yesterday a good friend of mine accompanied me to yoga. And actually this particular friend is the reason why I practice yoga at all. I had been going through a time in my life where I was making choices based on nothing… perhaps they were based on my insecurities and were influenced by the people I was associating with, but I truly feel during this time I wasn't making conscious or thoughtful decisions. I was reactive in the worst sense of the word. Needless to say I was a bit of a wreck, treating myself very poorly and living off of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and very very little sleep.

I had heard of hot yoga and knew KNEW I would love it, but I had taken no steps to actually finding a class when this same friend of mine mentioned she was trying out bikram studios. My first class kicked my ass, but since I didn't really know what to expect, I had no expectations and I did pretty well. I felt incredible afterwards, as if I had just spent 2 hours with a soft scrub brush cleaning out my whole inner body. Although I loved what I had experienced, the chaos of college kept me from going to my next class for another three months. But the one I did go to was particularly fun. It was the night sweats class at Bikram LES, and between the pink lights and pumpin jams, somewhere I got hooked. I started going three times a week.

What was so wonderful about this time was that the transformation that I felt in myself was directly correlated to my dedication to yoga. I had just shaved off all of my bleach blonde curly locks (key sign for needed change!) and I felt like a totally different person. I was trying to figure out who that person was when bikram opened me up to the possibilities of who I could be. I found a trust in myself that never had before, and I started treating myself and my environment with love and consciousness. I quit my job, I stopped smoking, I started eating better, I was biking everywhere, and I felt amazing. I began exploring a stronger side of myself, and my weaknesses were dripping away with each class.

But as always life gets in the way of things we need sometimes and my senior year of college took me away from my steady practice. I had also reached a point where I didn't have the dedication for class anymore- I had thrown myself into this new world so quickly, and I think the exhaustion caught up to me. So I took a break- a break that felt like it was three years when it was only off and on through one.

And then I came back. Stepping into a hot room felt like coming home. There is a safety in the class, and I feel like I can open myself in ways that are unacceptable in the real world. Each person in the class is pushing and cleansing themselves with same strength and power, and the connection you feel to the people around you is a palpable and wonderfully fulfilling energy. It's one of my favorite places to be, and I'm so glad I'm back.

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