Svadhisthana | The vital base

Last week I focussed specifically on the second chakra or the Svadishthana Chakra- and it evolved into probably one of the largest collections of information I've ever gathered for a written project. This is a very interesting chakra that is charged with emotion for a lot of people, and I even found myself pulling away from it just when doing my daily writing. Although my goal was to really sift through the shallow end of the chakras, I've discovered that even getting more than ankle deep can be scary. Regardless, here is what I discovered about the svadhisthana:

"Sva" translates to vital force and "adhisthana" translates to abode. It has also been translated as as "one's own place or base," indicating just how crucial this chakra is in our lives. The tasks of the second chakra include allowing for emotional and sensual movement in our life, opening to pleasure, and learning how to "go with the flow."

Lotus | The 6 petals are meant to represent a responsibility and nurturing connection with oneself and one’s community. Six is sometimes called “the motherhood number” - it is all about sacrificing, caring, healing, protecting and teaching others. Because 6 is also said to be the most harmonious of all the single digit numbers creating an environment of peace and harmony is naturally it’s representation. Other terms used to describe the symbolism of the number 6 are: connects above and below, reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination, imagination, union, love, perfection, ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined, relatedness, taking responsibility for choices.

Within the lotus is also a half moon, formed by two different sized inner circles, one inside the other. This directly associates itself with the element of water and the connection of water with the moon.

Color | To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat, but it is not quite as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. It is the color of fall and harvest, and in heraldry orange is symbolic of strength and endurance. Orange relates to 'gut reaction' or our gut instincts, as opposed to the physical reaction of red or the mental reaction of yellow. Orange offers emotional strength in difficult times. The color psychology of orange is optimistic and uplifting, rejuvenating our spirit. In fact orange is so optimistic and uplifting that we should all find ways to use it in our everyday life, even if it is just an orange colored pen that we use.

Orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great color to use to help keep us motivated and to look on the bright side. Orange aids in the assimilation of new ideas and frees the spirit of its limitations, giving us the freedom to be ourselves. At the same time it encourages self-respect and respect of others. In spite of all these things, orange is probably the most rejected and under-used color of our time. Some sites I’ve found claim it to be THE most disliked color in the western world. This will be interesting to remember once we discuss the emotional and physical repercussions of an imbalanced second chakra.

Element | Water. Our first physical home in the amniotic sac was one of water. Not surprisingly, the second chakra deals with "gut instincts," basic emotions such as fear, rage, and joy and basic interpersonal emotions that are often unspoken.

This chakra also reflects how we feel about being in or near the water. Psychologically, water is the metaphor and symbol for emotion. It becomes clear that balancing the second chakra is an important part of emotional health. Many people associate astrological signs with the chakras. If you are a Cancer (like me) you can obviously find the relationship between water- it’s ebb and flow - and the ebb and flow of the emotional body to be practically identical in nature.

Water is also an element that supports our entire physical system- we cannot survive without it. But in terms of the earth’s body, the areas of water are sometimes considered to be mysterious and full of questioning. The same can be thought of our emotional (and physical) bodies, as many times our emotions are ruled by subtle energies working deep below the surface.

In the Yoga Sutras, the edition translated by Chip Hartranft, he described consciousness in a beautiful water metaphor: “Consciousness behaves something like water in the ocean. As it’s currents stir the water into waves, the water’s surface is set into motion. When this occurs, two essential properties of water become invisible - it ceases to appear either transparent or reflective. Instead, its agitations disrupt the surface, fragmenting the reflected light and rendering the surface opaque...However, when consciousness becomes truly motionless, these appearances of permanence and continuity break down. Just as turbulent water’s opacity gives way to transparency when it calms, the illusory reality represented in consciousness becomes transparent."

Location | The location of the second chakra is the pelvic bowl- about two inches below the navel. The areas of our physical body that are governed by the sacral chakra include the genitals and reproductive organs, the sacrum, the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, spleen and upper intestines. Each of these areas are all impacted by the balance of energy in the second chakra.

Noting these physical areas, it makes complete sense that this chakra is involved with all the watery things about us: circulation, urination, menstruation, orgasm, tears. Emotionally this area also impacts intimacy, desire, sensuality and sexual energy, self-acceptance, personal relationships, and those “gut reactions.”

If the second chakra is in balance, that is, not too much energy in that area of the energy body and not too little, one will feel an emotional connection to others and a sense of creativity. She/He will take pleasure in life, and trust his/her instincts and intuition. Feeling compassionate, friendly, satisfied, sexual, intuitive and overall vital are also associated with a balanced chakra. One feels comfortable relating to others in an open manner and feels a sense of belonging in the world.

Trying to influence the outer world is not the way of the second chakra. Instead, the goal or life lesson for the sacral chakra is to feel a bond with others (family, friends and community) that allows us to express who we are and our creative energy openly and freely without losing our own identity. Instead of demanding that our body or a relationship be different, the second chakra encourages us to feel the feelings that arise as we open to life just as it is. As we allow ourselves to accept what is, we taste the sweetness (and bittersweetness) of life. When we relax our resistance to life, our hips let go, our reproductive organs become less tense, and we're open to experiencing our sensuality and sexuality. We allow ourselves to go along with the ebb and flow of life.

In a culture as confused as ours is about sexuality, pleasure, and emotional expression, there are an infinite number of pathways to an imbalanced second chakra, and many many people suffer from imbalance. For example, people who were raised in an environment where emotions were repressed or pleasure denied will be more likely to lack energy in the second chakra.

Emotional symptoms of a second chakra deficiency include fear of pleasure, being out of touch with feelings, and resistance to change. Fear of loss of control, or being controlled, through events such as addiction, rape, betrayal, impotence, financial loss, or abandonment by partners or colleagues. Sexual abuse, sexual aversion, and/or lack of communication about sex during childhood can lead to feeling closed down in this chakra or may result in making sexual energy the most dominant part of the personality. The second chakra is also the seat of creativity, so not being able to express your creative side is another indication of an imbalance in this energy center.

An excessively charged second chakra may reveal itself through overly emotional behavior, sexual addiction, or poor boundaries. Excessiveness may result from a family/living environment where there's a constant need for pleasurable stimulation (entertainment, partying) or frequent emotional drama. Imbalances in the second chakra can manifest as irritability, a need for power and control, guilt, blame, shyness, or not taking responsibility for our own emotions.

Additionally if you experience any of the following physical problems in your life, your sacral chakra may need a bit of fine tuning: decrease or excessive increase in sexual desire or sexual problems/discomfort, menstrual problems and/or hormonal imbalances, lower back pain, abdominal pain, sciatica, excessive tiredness, pain in the pelvic area, urinary problems, issues around poor digestion and decreased resistance to infections.

Asana | Many of the asana related closely to the sacral chakra are (not surprisingly) hip openers. A few simple poses that really tap into this area’s energy are cobra pose, open angle pose, and cow face pose. The beauty of these poses is that they are simple to do and are easy to include in a daily yoga practice (or on their own!). Done together they open all different areas of the sacral chakra - the front of the hips, the inside of the hips, and the backs of the hips. All hip and groin openers should never be forced, for they require the subtle touch of sensitivity and surrender.

Two other wonderful asana that I personally love for svadhisthana opening and connection are pidgeon pose and mermaid pose. Do not be surprised if after settling in to either one of these you experience a lot of discomfort emotionally and find it difficult to stay in the pose. However, if you feel you need an opening in your second chakra, these both are going to help tremendously. After settling into either, stay as long as you can - I recommend at least 2 to 3 minutes. But remember - don’t force the opening. Go to where you feel comfortable and allow your hips to find there way on their own.

Although there are a ton of hip opening poses that help align the sacral chakra, here are my personal last two favorites. Baddha konasana or bound angle pose can also be substituted with goddess, frog, or happy baby - each of these help the energy in the body focus downward, aiding the flow towards the pelvic area. It is also said to help pretty much eradicate all the symptoms of an imbalanced second chakra: it stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys, helps to relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue, soothes menstrual discomfort and sciatica. Used in conjunction I recommend parivrtta trikonasana or revolved triangle, which aids in the relief of mild back pain and stimulates the abdominal organs as well.

Because the sense of taste is the sense affiliated with the second chakra, another helpful way to balance the second chakra energy is with food. So…

EAT | foods that stimulate the second chakra such as chocolate, fruits such as bananas, watermelon & pears, honey, bread & butter, ice cream, pastas, wine, and nuts. Orange colored foods are also said to help stimulate the sacral chakra. If you feel like your second chakra is over active, it's a good idea to avoid these foods (which I know can be hard- I can't imagine avoiding chocolate!) for the benefit of energy balance.

SMELL & FELL | the essential oils of Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Cardamon, Clary Sage, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sandalwood which are all said to have a stimulating scent and have the effect of loosening one up – emotionally, mentally, sexually or energetically. Citrus oils such as Sweet Orange, Neroli, Tangerine, Mandarine red are also said to be uplifting and encouraging. If your second chakra energy is in need of grounding, Carrot seed oil will be very helpful.

DO | art! make something! work with your hards! Dance, sing, tap your fingers, move you hips! The second chakra also responds well to other sensory input such as classical music, art, gardening, flowers, decorating and cooking. All of these activities are naturally sense-balancing. Sex with someone you love is also great for balancing the second chakra

GIVE | yourself love and appreciation! If you create something, love it because its an expression of your self. Pick up some beautiful orange flowers, and wear things that express your unique individuality. Let yourself relax into yourself, knowing that you are are the only you and only you can give yourself the right to be loved.

Svadhisthana is the center of pure, steady attention and power of concentration. It is the one which connects us to the inner source of inspiration, and enables us to experience the beauty around us. The pure knowledge given by this #chakra is not mental, but it is direct perception of the Reality, that can be felt in our palms and indicates our subtle blockages.

Sacred Truth | Honor One Another - Every relationship you develop, from casual to intimate, helps you become more conscious. No union is without spiritual value.

Mudra | There are two mudra positions commonly used in meditation for connecting with this sacrka. The first is the Dhāna or Samādhi mudra - Dhāna when used with the left hand or both hands resting in the lap, and Samādhi when the thumbs join to touch (as I have shown above). This has been assumed to be the mudra the Buddha adopted when meditating and reaching enlightenment under the Pipal tree. It is said to Indicate perfect#balance of thought, rest of senses and tranquility. The second mudra is the Yoni mudra, said to be the gesture of the womb. Interlace the fingers inward in front of the lower abdomen, and extend the index fingers, placing the fingertips together. Do the same with the thumbs. Yoni is said to translate to “origin of life” and has a variety of different symbolisms. Used as a mudra is connects the #energy directly to area of the reproductive organs, connecting specifically to the svadhisthana.

For Meditation | In a seated position, hold the mudra of your choice in front of your lower abdomen, allow your awareness to settle in the lower abdomen. If you prefer you can sense the chakra originating from the spine and opening to the lower abdomen. If you like, chant the svadhisthana bija VAM. Other mantras: inhale: I flow freely exhale: with the rhythm of life. Feel your breath like water, moving up from the sacral chakra, through the crown of your head. Feel how much the body moves like water, and know that the water working within us is something that connects us to all life. Continue to breathe.

& that concludes the extensive dive into the ocean of the second chakra. Tune in next week for the fun-in-the-sun party with the manipura! :) xoxo

2 thoughts on “Svadhisthana | The vital base

  1. What an amazingly comprehensive write-up of the 2nd chakra! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.

  2. I bet you won't guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pains, anxiety and burns fat.

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