A little goes a long way

The more I practice the easier other small things become. I've already noticed that biking with my computer in my backpack is easier. Walking with heavy bags is easier. And more importantly, staying in down dog for what feel like forever at the beginning of class is easier. My posture is stronger, even sitting for long periods of time is easier.

When I first started practicing again a few months ago that became my main focus. I had bent forward into down dog and Sonya, my instructor, came and adjusted my arms inward. I couldn't take it. I had been putting all my weight into my upper shoulders and it was, without my knowledge, building a stressful tension around my neck. She said my hugging my arms to my ears I would be putting the weight into my upper back and lower shoulders, which is a naturally strong area. It's the area that can help carry you through anything.

So I've been focusing on that every time I practice. I've also noticed I have this strange tension (perhaps a knot?) in my right shoulder that sometimes causes my right arm to get numb and tingly. I know this is a build up of stress- I use my right arm for everything, and it would make sense that it became a storage space for unreleased emotions.

 But as for this pose I had no idea I had the arm and back strength for this. When I move into it I feel physically liberated. There is a complete openness that comes with this posture- a release that gives you this incredible rush. I think it's opened me up to love and enjoy backbends.

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