Day 2 + 3

I thought for sure today was going to be tough. I know it's only the third day but last night Jon and I stayed up pretty late, ate a huge amount of homemade mexican food, and drank 3 beers to top it off. I walked over to the studio today thinking "it's going to be a rough class." But I sucked down my two jars of water, sipped a little more before stepping into class, and surprisingly it was one of the best classes I've taken in a while.

(*Some food porn: pico de galo, giant vegan burrito)

The Warm 60 class at Sacred is pretty fun, especially because I started my serious yoga practice with Bikram. It's a shortened, less hot version of what a regular Bikram class is like, and at 7am it's an awesome way to start the day. I've thought to myself several times that this version is such a nice way to practice that asana series. What was even better about today's class, however, was that it was lead by an instructor who has such a wonderful and funny personality, and that really resonates with her instruction. There were several moments in class she had us all smiling, if not laughing. Those types of classes I walk out of feeling like nothing could bring me down.

So the lesson from my practice (and this lesson has come up several times, but it's so hard to remember!) is to expect the unexpected. My body goes through things that I sometimes don't feel, and won't feel until I step into that hot room and step onto that mat. And whatever happens there is entirely my doing and my responsibility. Going in with an open and empty mind, with just the intention of doing my best will allow the space for my body and my mind to go through just what it needs for that day.

& My day 2 + 3 inversion challenge poses- a wall handstand and a supported headstand.

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