Day 1 - 30 Day Hot yoga Challenge

Yesterday I took a class with an instructor I've been slightly afraid of. I've experienced teachers I've been afraid of in the past, but only because they're usually really pushy and have said things that I know are directed right at me when I feel like I'm failing. I used to just give up with those teachers before, and stop taking their classes all together.

This instructor, however, I'm afraid of just because his classes beat me every single time. I leave feeling like I've just gone through a major cleansing- which isn't something I'm always prepared for (yeah, sometimes I go to hot yoga just to get a little stretch time in!). So needless to say I've been avoiding his classes- trying to build up the strength I need so that I can go in and come out and not feel like I need to sleep for 24 hours.

But I took a class of his yesterday, and I surprised myself. I felt great afterward. Granted it was one of his morning classes which I know isn't as rigorous, but it gave me a sense of motivation.

Every once and a while experiences like this kick in and remind me that every little thing I'm doing is guiding and constructing me in the direction that I'm striving towards. Every day will not be the same, and every day will not have encouraging reminders, but if I remember to pay attention to the times they are there, the moments when they aren't will be easier to get through.

With all that being said, I have another one of his classes to look forward to on Thursday. Fingers crossed!

Ps. I'm documenting this 30 Day challenge with a corresponding personal challenge- an inversion a day! Day 1 started with a tripod headstand :D

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