The First Step

Waking up early is not my strong suite. I pride myself on it when I go back home to California, but that's technically cheating- 6am San Diego time is equivalent to 9am Brooklyn time. There's no discipline there.

So when I tell myself I'm going to go to 7am yoga, a part of me knows I'm kidding myself. I say it as though I know it's fact, I will be going, but there's a little part of me that's also saying "Yeah! If I wake up!" That's not very effective if I actually want to get out of bed at 6 and make the trek.

I could blame the weather. It being 30 degrees or less outside doesn't exactly excite me. But I'll be going to a cozy warm, womblike room where I can stretch and expose myself openly to the day ahead- that's pretty comforting.

This is my current yoga challenge. To get up and go! Take the step outside! I know I'll feel like my better self after I do it. No more excuses, because I really enjoy going, so what's holding me back?

I'll let you know when I figure that part out.

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