Day 6 + 7 | Week one done!

The awesome thing about this 30 day challenge is that I'm pushing myself to try out new classes and teachers that I haven't tried before. It's only been one week but I already feel like I've experienced a real variety of classes, which is so beneficial to not only my practice but also to my own gathering of teaching observations. Granted I'm only sticking to yoga- I could definitely also try any of the pilates, pole dancing, or other movement classes, but for now at least I feel like I'm getting a lot of education with just the yoga.

(*I didn't get a lot of pics, but here are a few early ones of my my man by the grill just before we really got it going, and some good friends having a good time.)

I think the Hot Fusion class is my new favorite class. It's just challenging enough without being too exhausting, and I leave feeling like I got just what I needed. That's exactly what yesterday's class was, and it was the perfect way to start the day before our long hot bbq park adventure (which was a blast!). Not to mention hot yoga is definitely the best way to prep for a blazing 90 something degree weather day like yesterday- I swear I can mentally manage the heat so much better.

Physically though, the heat might be getting to me. Today I'm feeling pretty damn tired, and I think between the long days in the sun this week and the early rising every morning I've gotten a little worn. So today I'm allowing myself to recuperate and relax alllll day - no pressure to do anything… except I still need to get my inversion in for the day! Yesterday at the park I tried practicing my handstands without a wall or a tree- I even got a few friends to try with me at the end of the day. I can't balance for too long, but I am definitely understanding more and more what areas need to be activated, how that feels, and how it all ties into balance. It's so fun- there's always something to learn in yoga.

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